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For new clients, please click on the following link and fill out the form before your first appointment. We will fill in the missing information.

Then, click on the following link to schedule your next appointment anf if the desired time is not available, I will contact you to schedule another appointment.

You can always plan your next appointment using these methods :

  • call me at (418)391-4734
  • send a text message at (418)391-4734
  • write me a message using CONTACT

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Its effects, which can be soothing or energizing, could reduce nervous excitability, relieve stress-related conditions (including back pain, migraine, exhaustion and insomnia), increase blood and lymphatic circulation and lead to a state of general well-being.  There are times when it is better to stop and ask yourself if it is appropriate to receive a massage. If there are any doubts, please check with your doctor.

A relaxing and revitalizing massage with sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil and green clay. This combination stimulates circulation while transmitting the properties of green clay and its minerals.

Our face is a mirror of ourselves. It reflects our state of mind. When fatigue is present, our face is immediately marked by tension.

Our hands contain many nerve endings that are constantly in communication with our brain. Through touch, they are always in touch with the surroundings.

The laminar algae foot massage with white clay, sweet almond oil and essential oils is a soothing and comforting massage that provides a feeling of prolonged freshness and well-deserved relaxation.

The Cayce Reilly massage has exceptional relaxing faculties because it manages to soften muscle tissue. This is achieved by practicing both gentle and light massage movements while deeply massaging the muscle tissue. It ends up producing a sensation of absolute and well-being.

Combine the power of the comforting warmth of hot stones with the relaxation and comfort of the Cayce Reilly massage. The hot stones, placed on the sheets, will allow a moment of letting-go to enjoy the relaxing benefits of their warmth after receiving a relaxing massage. 

Enjoy a happy combination between the Cayce Reilly relaxation massage and "Chocolate Delights" massaging oil.
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    Energy Healing aims to harmonize your dody vital energy and to maintain or to improve health. When the body's energy and mind-body connection is strengthed, you take advantage of the natural self-healing energies present in every human being. 

    The metamorphic massage principle is to reconnect the individual to his or her prenatal period, thanks to a massage on the feet, hands and head.

    Polarity therapy is the art and science of balancing vital energy in the body.

    La Technique Raindrop® a été développée par le fondateur et chef de la direction de Young Living, Donald Gary Young dans les années 1980.  Il s’est inspiré de son expérience avec les traditions amérindiennes de la tribu Lakota.

    The word Reiki is divided into two syllables: "Rei", which refers to the universal energy, and "ki", which represents the life force that flows in all things.

    In the context of pregnancy, childbirth and the months following the baby's birth, Reiki can bring several benefits, including comfort and inner calm.
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      Do not resist the temptation and indulge yourself! Everything will be put in place to make you live a relaxation moment. They are designed to make you discover, in duo, the different treatments offered. The packages are perfect combinations that will allow you to relax and let go. In addition, they are a good way to replenish energy and vitality. By taking care of yourself, you allow the energy to flow freely throughout your physical body.

      Earth polarity soothes the nervous system and promotes oneself anchoring in life. The metamorphic massage reconnects the individual to his pre-natal strength.

      Earth polarity soothes the nervous system and promotes oneself anchoring in life. Back massage with essential oils stimulates relaxation and promotes the increase of white blood cells and neutrophils, immune cells.

      The ionic spa has a detoxifying effect on the body. The anti-stress massage will bring softness and relaxation to the muscles of the neck, head and shoulders.

      The ionic spa has a detoxifying effect on the body. The feet massage with white clay and laminar seaweed comforts the body and soothes tensions.

      Shoulders, neck, head, face and back massage is a good way to regain or improve sleep.ionic spa has a detoxifying effect on the body. The Raindrop® technique is practiced using a serie of essential oils that facilitate sleep and calm. The essential oils are placed, one after other, like raindrops along the spine.

      Back massage with essential oils stimulates relaxation and promotes the increase of white blood cells and neutrophils, immune cells. Reiki strengthens the immune system, relieves pain, stress and increases self-confidence.

      Back massage with essential oils stimulates relaxation and promotes the increase of white blood cells and neutrophils, immune cells. The feet massage with white clay and laminar seaweed comforts the body and soothes tensions.
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      Ionic detoxification is a foot bath of slightly saline water in which two electrodes are introduced in the form of a coil (array). The two electrodes work alternately producing a low voltage electric current. The generated current produces an ionic flux in the water. To close the electrical circuit between the two electrodes and carry out an electrolysis system, we need a saline water.

      These electrodes are embedded in a coil. Once connected to a DC source, the electrodes - one of positive polarity (anode), and the other of negative polarity (cathode) are immersed in saline solution. The water contained in the water basin then becomes an extension of your body water, your body is composed of 70% water. This liquid contains salts making it able to conduct electricity throughout the body.

      Use if you are a regular smoker, live in a city and are subject to pollution, use a lot of transportation (2 hours or more per day), drink a lot of coffee, tea, consume sugary drinks, are often in stressful situations, have the feeling of chronic fatigue, have concentration problems, are subject to heartburn, have recurrent migraines, have bad blood circulation or feel joint pain.

      Don't use if you are using medication to regulate heart rhythm, you are using medication for epilepsy, psychosis, have received a transplant or had an organ removed, have a pacemaker or other electrical implant, have open wounds on limbs to be submerged, have had the colon removed, you are a pregnant or breastfeeding.
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      Bach Flowers

      "Heal thyself" - "heal yourself". Edward Bach calls on oneself responsibility: every human being carries within the forces of self-healing. The Bach floral quintessence give subtle impulses; they transmit information of a specific high frequency that stimulates self-healing forces.
      The disease is neither cruelty nor punishment; it is in all and for all a corrective which our soul uses to point out our defects, to prevent us from greater errors, to prevent us from causing even more damage - and to bring us back to the path of truth and the light that we would never have to leave.

      Each elixir is associated with a basic emotion. For example, Mimulus is the floral quintessence for the person who lives fears, in all its forms, but always for specific reasons: fear of noise, fear of flying, etc. Taking Mimulus helps to overcome fear and allows them to face fear with courage.

      Dr. Bach used a metaphor to describe how remedies work. He said: "They are capable, like beautiful music, or anything else gloriously uplifting that gives us inspiration, to elevate our deep nature, bring us closer to our soul and thereby even, to bring us peace."

      A standard 30 ml mixing bottle lasts up to three weeks of regular use. It will contain between one and seven remedies (depending on what you decide you need) diluted into water. A preservative (usually a teaspoon of alcohol or apple cider vinegar) is often added to help keep the contents fresh.

      Taking a blend of Bach flowers sometimes brings other things and, for a while, some people feel subjectively worse than before. Cleansing emotions is like raking last year leaves from a pond. The water will be clearer at the end, but initially it looks dirtier.

      For a custom blend, complete the form by pressing HERE.
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      Privacy Policy


      Thank you for visiting Hilltop, Health and Wellness, and for reading my privacy policy.  Respect for privacy and the protection of personal information are essential to Hilltop, Health and Wellness.   Even before Bill 25 came into force, my concern for confidentiality and the protection of personal information were always present in my mind and in my data, collection practices, in order to offer the best treatment that's right for you.

      By browsing my website, using my systems or services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this policy and consent to the processing of your personal data and information in accordance with this policy, if necessary.

      In this text, Hilltop, Health and Wellsess, I and Roger Roy are the same person.


      The purpose of this Policy is to protect personal information in accordance with applicable laws.

      To ensure this protection, Hilltop, Health and Wellness will only collect, process and share personally identifiable information with a company or organization with your consent, unless permitted or required by law, in which case your consent will not be required.  I agree never to disclose such information other than in accordance with this Policy.

      The purpose of this Policy is to inform users of why and how Hilltop, Health and Wellness, or anyone acting on its behalf, will collect and use their personal information. It is intended to be in plain language to ensure informed consent from users.

      For the purposes of this Policy, "personal information" means any information about an identifiable individual or information that allows an individual to be identified.

      This Policy applies as of December 4th, 2023.

      I prefer to obtain explicit consent, whether verbally, electronically or in writing. Providing a name and address or a name and telephone number to obtain an answer to a question or piece of information is considered implicit consent to the collection of information containing personal information. In determining the appropriate type of consent, I consider the sensitivity of the personal information involved, the purposes for which it is collected and the reasonable expectations of a similarly situated individual.

      If I want to use personal information for a new purpose, I will describe the intended use and ask for consent again.

      Information is collected in accordance with the purposes and objectives set out in this privacy policy.

      • To provide products and services, I will collect and process the data and information necessary to fulfill my obligations to the person requesting one of these services or products.
      • PTo provide and improve these products and services, the data collected may be used to improve the functionality of my products and services.
      • The data collected enables me to verify the identity and protect the privacy of persons who communicate with me by telephone, electronically or otherwise.
      Hilltop, Health and Wellness may collect personal information in various forms, but will do so only by lawful means and only for the necessary purposes disclosed to you, as described in this Policy, or as permitted or required by law.

      The personal information collected, and its sensitivity, may vary depending on the context of your interactions with Hilltop, Health and Wellness. This is why I must, as a priority, inform you of the nature of the personal information I use.

      I will protect all personal information collected. Among the personal information that may be collected and used, I pay particular attention to your first and last names, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number and other similar data used to contact you.

      Hilltop, Health and Wellness attaches the utmost importance to the security of your personal information and undertakes to process it in accordance with the appropriate norms and standards, solely for the purposes for which it is collected as described in this policy or in a specific notice to that effect.  Nevertheless, given the inherent security limitations of Internet transmission, data loss may occur at any time.  Consequently, information transmitted to me in this way is ultimately at the user's own risk.

      Hilltop, Health and Wellness ensures that all personal information in its possession is as accurate, current and complete as necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.

      You have the right to request access to your personal information:

      • for verification purposes and to request a correction if your personal information is inaccurate;
      • if you believe that your personal information is inaccurate;

      If you wish to access your personal information, you may make a request using the contact information provided at the end of this Policy.

      To the best of my ability, I will provide you with timely access to your personal information. However, for security reasons, I may need to verify your identity.

      There may also be circumstances where I cannot provide you with access to your personal information. In particular, when access may lead to the disclosure of another person's personal information and that person refuses to consent to its disclosure, or when legal restrictions apply. Should such a situation arise, I will advise you of the reason why I cannot provide you with access to your personal information.

      If your request concerns data appearing on third-party web pages or platforms, please contact these third parties directly.

      Hilltop, Health and Wellness will not sell or rent your personal information to third parties.

      Les témoins sont des éléments d'information transmis par le serveur au navigateur lors d'une visite du site Internet et qui permettent d'identifier de façon unique la connexion en cours. Ces données peuvent inclure des informations telles que votre adresse Internet (IP), le type de navigateur, la version du navigateur, les pages d'un site que vous consultez, l’heure et la date de votre visite, le temps de consultation et toutes autres statistiques.

      Au rythme de l’intérieur n’utilise pas de fichiers témoins « cookies », des balises Internet, des pixels invisibles, des fichiers journal ou autres technologies pour collecter certains renseignements personnels relatifs aux visiteurs sur mon site Web, ainsi que sur les destinataires de mes infolettres, invitations et autres communications.

      Veuillez noter que mon site web contient des liens ou renvoie vers des sites de tierces parties. La présente politique cesse de s’appliquer au moment de quitter mon site web et Au rythme de l’intérieur n’est pas responsable de la collecte ou du traitement de renseignements personnels par ces tiers ou via ces sources externes. 

      Cookies are pieces of information transmitted by the server to the browser during a visit to the Web site, which make it possible to uniquely identify the current connection. This data may include information such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, browser version, the pages of a site you visit, the time and date of your visit, the consultation time and any other statistics.

      Hilltop, Heath and Wellness does not use cookies, Internet tags, web beacons, web beacons, log files or other technologies to collect personal information about visitors to my Web site, or about the recipients of my newsletters, invitations and other communications.

      Please note that my Web site contains links or references to third-party sites. This policy ceases to apply when you leave my website and Hilltop, Heath and Wellness is not responsible for the collection or processing of personal information by these third parties or via these external sources.

      • Square(card payment and appointment booking) politique
      • Emailmeform (contact form and file opening) politique
      • Facebook (communication via Messenger) politique
      • Google forms (questionnaires/surveys to plan workshops/meditations) politique

      Hilltop, Health and Wellness keeps the data collected for different periods of time, depending on its nature and its usefulness in offering my products and services. During the retention period, Hilltop, Health and Wellness takes physical and technical measures to ensure the security of data containing personal information. Personal information is stored at my office in Cascapédia-St-Jules.

      Your customer file is stored in a locked filing cabinet in a room that is inaccessible to the public. After a ten-year period of inactivity, the customer file and all customer identification and contact information will be destroyed.

      I will make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any diminution of your rights under this Privacy Policy will not be implemented without your express consent. I will always indicate the date on which the latest changes were made and allow you to access archived versions for review. If the changes are significant, I will publish a prominent notice on my website (including, for certain services, via e-mail notification).

      The Privacy Policy requires me to maintain a log of all privacy incidents involving personal information. Even incidents that do not present a risk of serious harm must be recorded. At the request of the Commission à l'information du Québec, I must provide a copy of my register.

      If you have any questions, comments or complaints about this policy, you can contact the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this privacy policy.

      Roger Roy
      Hilltop, Health and Wellness
      355, route 299
      Cascapedia-St-Jules, Qc. G0C 1T0
      Phone : (418) 391-4734
      Email :
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